Mic Test

Review #13879 about “Zebronics”

Microphone: Zebronics
Rating: Good (4 out of 5)

Advantages of the microphone:
It's very, very blendable

Disadvantages of the microphone:
It needs a splitter, which is sad

Author’s comment:
This is a very good mic testing site it has a mic selection option so you can select the mics that are connected to your device. It also records your speaking so that you can hear it anytime the tab is open.

Microphone Information

Quality Rank: #5779
Quality Rating: 1378
Microphone Name: Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
Type of Microphone: Integrated
Automatic Gain Control: Supported
Number of Audio Channels: 1
Echo Cancellation: Supported
Estimated Latency: 0.01
Noise Suppression: Supported
Sample Rate: 48000 Hz
Sample Size: 16-bit

Device Information

Device Name MYLENOVO
Device Type Laptop
Operating System Windows 10
Browser Chrome 77.0
Screen Resolution 1366×768
Color Depth 24-bit
Screen Orientation landscape-primary