Review #28574 about “Lycan Mouse Remus”
Author: hfh ffg hf
Microphone: Lycan Mouse Remus
Rating: Good (4 out of 5)
Advantages of the microphone:
ytgrftres nwrstf dtgedefds dsf dfds dsf dsf fdhgfdtg dssfdd sfdsf dfg sfg dfgf dfg fdg dfg fdg fd gfd gdfg fdg dfg fdgfrd fdg dfg fgd fg
Disadvantages of the microphone:
sfdg sdrfds fdsf sdfds fd gfdg fdgf dgfdg dfg fdg fdgfd gfdg fdgfd ghb ghfg hgfh fggf hgf hgfdg
Author’s comment:
fdg dgfd dgf dgf fdg fdgf gdh trurt y 54rty t rtyfg hgfh fgh tr rth ffgh fgh gfg
ytgrftres nwrstf dtgedefds dsf dfds dsf dsf fdhgfdtg dssfdd sfdsf dfg sfg dfgf dfg fdg dfg fdg fd gfd gdfg fdg dfg fdgfrd fdg dfg fgd fg
Disadvantages of the microphone:
sfdg sdrfds fdsf sdfds fd gfdg fdgf dgfdg dfg fdg fdgfd gfdg fdgfd ghb ghfg hgfh fggf hgf hgfdg
Author’s comment:
fdg dgfd dgf dgf fdg fdgf gdh trurt y 54rty t rtyfg hgfh fgh tr rth ffgh fgh gfg
Microphone Information
Quality Rank: | #20059 |
Quality Rating: | 187 |
Microphone Name: | Default - Headset Microphone (Oculus Virtual Audio Device) |
Type of Microphone: | USB |
Automatic Gain Control: | Supported |
Number of Audio Channels: | 1 |
Echo Cancellation: | Supported |
Estimated Latency: | 0.01 |
Noise Suppression: | Supported |
Sample Rate: | 48000 Hz |
Sample Size: | 16-bit |
Volume: | — |
Device Information
Device Name | PC |
Device Type | Desktop |
Operating System | Windows 10 |
Browser | Chrome 120.0 |
Screen Resolution | 2560×1440 |
Color Depth | 24-bit |
Screen Orientation | landscape-primary |