Mic Test

Review #30918 about “Wired Headphones, Foldable Bass With Microphone, Headset, 47.24inch Cable, 3.5mm Plug”

Microphone: Wired Headphones, Foldable Bass With Microphone, Headset, 47.24inch Cable, 3.5mm Plug
Rating: Poor (2 out of 5)

Advantages of the microphone:
Super cheap ($5 on temu.com) fine if you need something on the go to record some audio, the bass is surprisingly okay being that its $5 overall sound quality of the actual headphones themselves are actually okay if you really just need something in the moment

Disadvantages of the microphone:
ear cups do not fit any human sized ear well, they aren't shaped for ears (they are simply circles) Plastic material, to have any decent volume levels you would have to hold the microphone close to you face being that it hangs on the wire not the headphones like a headset.

Microphone Information

Quality Rank: #14287
Quality Rating: 596
Microphone Name: Headset Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)
Type of Microphone: TRS
Automatic Gain Control: Supported
Number of Audio Channels: 1
Echo Cancellation: Supported
Estimated Latency: 0.01
Noise Suppression: Supported
Sample Rate: 48000 Hz
Sample Size: 16-bit

Device Information

Device Name HP VICTUS 15L
Device Type Desktop
Screen Resolution 1536×864
Color Depth 24-bit
Screen Orientation landscape-primary