Mic Test

Review #31764 about “xlr mic from amazon for about few dollars”

Microphone: xlr mic from amazon for about few dollars
Rating: Good (4 out of 5)

Advantages of the microphone:

Disadvantages of the microphone:
Low amplification

Author’s comment:
cheapest xlr microphone from amazon (price 7$)~. Connected to cheapest xlr to usb cable from amazon. Properly set up with some vst plugins.

Microphone Information

Quality Rank: #9860
Quality Rating: 942
Microphone Name: Mikrofon (USB PnP Sound Device)
Type of Microphone: XLR
Automatic Gain Control: Supported
Number of Audio Channels: 1
Echo Cancellation: Supported
Estimated Latency:
Noise Suppression: Supported
Sample Rate:
Sample Size:

Device Information

Device Name USB PnP Sound Device
Device Type Desktop
Screen Resolution 1920×1080
Color Depth 24-bit
Screen Orientation landscape-primary