Mic Test

Review #7449 about “Apple ”

Microphone: Apple
Rating: Good (4 out of 5)

Advantages of the microphone:
I like about my microphone because it’s high quality and I’m checking this website to make sure that it’s actually high quality, just to make sure.

Disadvantages of the microphone:
I don’t know what’s wrong with my microphone, I haven’t tried it but I’m guessing it’s high quality because it looks high quality.

Author’s comment:
I think my microphone is fine!

Microphone Information

Quality Rank: #17820
Quality Rating: 196
Microphone Name: iPhone Microphone
Type of Microphone: Other
Automatic Gain Control:
Number of Audio Channels:
Echo Cancellation: Unsupported
Estimated Latency:
Noise Suppression:
Sample Rate: 0 Hz
Sample Size:
Volume: 1%

Device Information

Device Name iPhone 6
Device Type Laptop
Operating System iOS
Browser Safari 12.1
Screen Resolution 375×667
Color Depth 32-bit